FLSQ Conference 2022

Changing Our Futures in Our Now Changed World: Gender, Equalities, and Sustainability for All 

International Women's Day Annual Conference,
Feminist Legal Studies and the 
Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
March 4-5, 2022

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REGISTRATION NOW OPEN - Register for each Conference Day in order to obtain separate links

Registration for Friday, March 4, 2022
Registration for Saturday, March 5, 2022

Donate to the Feminist Legal Studies Queen's Fund

Call for Papers/Presentations


Bios and Abstracts

Friday, March 4, 2022 

11:00-12:30 EST - Conference Opening & Land Acknowledgement, Bita Amani and Kathleen Lahey,
FLSQ Co-Directors

Introductory and Welcome Remarks, Dean Mark Walters, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University
Introduction and Welcome by Kanonhsyonne Janice Hill, Associate Vice-Principal (Indigenous Initiatives and Reconciliation), Queen’s University
Keynote Address by Dr. Beverly Jacobs, “Women are the First Environment” Senior Advisor to the President on Indigenous Relations and Outreach, Office of the President, University of Windsor; Visiting Speaker, Queen’s University Principal’s Development Fund Visiting Scholars Program

Panel One: Ethics, Equalities, and the Earth: In Porous Possibilities of Voice and Environments

Dayna Nadine Scott, “A Feminist Political Economy of Pollution: Advancing Analytics and Ethics on Toxics and Gender” 
Elahe Amani, “Gender Equality at the Heart of Climate Justice”
Ana Androsik, “Tools for Breaking Barriers for Women and Gender Diverse Persons in Formerly Masculine Professions: Focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Military Training”

2:40-3:00 Health and Wellbeing Break

Panel Two: The Stories We’re Told: Skewed Conceptions of Risks and Re-Righting Disparate Harms of Inequalities in Dominant Narratives

Marguerite Russell, “Convoys and Occupations: On the Not-so-Subtleties of Risk and (In)equalities of (In)tolerance” 
Sharry Aiken “Slow Death: Immigration Detention, Women Migrants, and the Imperative of Abolition”

4:00-4:15 Nourishment Break

Panel Three: Social (Re)production and Personalization of Care: Embedded beings, Community, and Imagined Possibilities for Relations of Care

Susan Chiblow, “Nokomis Giizis (Grandmother Moon) Naaknigewin (Law)”
Jennifer Nedelsky, “Part Time for All: A Care Manifesto”
Bita Amani, “AI and the Technological Performance of Gender and Care in Care Work” 

5:45-6:00 Kathleen Lahey Closing Comments Day 1

Saturday, March 5, 2022

10:00-11:30 EST
Panel Four: Gender Based Violence and Intersectional Inequalities Across the Globe: Law, Politics, Power, and the Imperatives of Counternarratives

Natalie Zhang, “China’s Anti-Domestic Violence Law And Its Judicial Practice in Shanghai (2016-2021)”
Julie Ada, “The Institutional Dimensions of Oppression and Violence Against Women and Girls in Nigeria”
Roxana Akhbari, “Using the “Law and Literature” Methodology to Confront Liberal States’ Euphemistic Apologies: Lee Maracle’s Celia’s Song vs. Canada’s 2008 Apology to Indigenous peoples”

11:30-11:45 Morning Coffee and Stretch Break

Panel Five: On Equality, Fearlessness, and Love: Culture, Religion, and Legacies for Inclusive Futures

Lize Mills, “Polygamy, Power and Principles: What’s Good for the Goose, is Not Always Good for the Gander”
Elizabeth Peprah, “Honouring Our Foremothers: Recalling Efua Dorkeoo’s “Forward” Anti-FGM Campaign to Ideate a Future without Child Abuse”
Ladan Adhami-Dorrani, “Law, Violence, and the Issue of Inclusivity”

1:30-2:00 Lunch

Panel Six: Gender Equality and Economics: Agency and Autonomy in Defining Relations and/in Trading Markets

Jennifer Aitken, “The Problem with a Gender-Neutral Approach to Trade Measures”
Emma Frisch, “Trade and Gender” in Canada’s Recent Trade Agreements: A Comparative Analysis”
Elizabeth Gaudet, “Interim Property Status for Reproductive Materials: Moving Past Archaic Family Traditions to Uphold Consent and Bodily Autonomy”

3:30-3:45  Tea Time

Panel Seven: Gender, Equality, and Inclusion by Design: Embracing Dreams as Realities and Educating for the Future

Fairuz Sharif and Sohini Ganguly, “Re-Imagining Pedagogy for International Students in the Post-Pandemic Era”
Terry Hancock, “Transformative Indigenous Law and Reframing Legal Education and Law to Accelerate an Agenda of Reconciliation and Address Inequalities”
Nisha Patel, "This Land is a Woman" Spoken Word Poetry

5:15-5:30         Conference Closing (Bita Amani and Kathleen Lahey)

Queen's University sits on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe Peoples

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#FLSQIWD2022 and #IWD2022