Lisa Philipps
Associate Professor
Osgoode Hall Law School
York University
Toronto, Ont.
Professor Philipps (LL.B. Toronto 1986; LL.M. York 1992) teaches a variety of courses in the Tax area. In the fall of 2007, she was Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, and in Winter 2008 she visited the University of Melbourne Faculty of Law where she co-taught an LL.M. course on Fiscal Reform and Development. Her research examines tax law and fiscal policy through the lenses of critical legal and social theory. She has published articles and book chapters on topics such as gender budgeting, balanced budget laws, the gender impact of tax cuts, the tax treatment of unpaid work, charitable tax incentives, wealth taxation, the taxation of child support, judicial interpretation of tax statutes, and the tax treatment of disability. Professor Philipps is a co-author of Canadian Income Tax Law (2d), with David Duff, Benjamin Alarie, and Kim Brooks (Butterworths, 2006). She has written policy papers for the Law Commission of Canada and the Federal Labour Standards Review Commission, has appeared as an expert witness in the Tax Court of Canada, and has presented tax policy briefs to Parliamentary Standing Committees on Finance and the Status of Women. Prof. Philipps' current research includes a SSHRC-funded project on the tax treatment of ?unpaid market labour,' that is the unpaid contributions of spouses and other relatives to family enterprise. She is also working on a study of international fiscal transparency codes with Professor Miranda Stewart of Melbourne University. Prof. Philipps is a former board member of the National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) and currently serves as a tax policy advisor to the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) in its work on Gender Budgeting. She is a member of the Canadian Tax Foundation and the Canadian Law and Society Association. Prior to her academic career, Professor Philipps practiced tax law at the firm of Blake, Cassels & Graydon in Toronto.