Nancy Peckford
Program Director
Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action
Nancy Peckford is currently the program director at the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA). FAFIA is dedicated to improving governments’ compliance with its international human rights obligations to women in Canada. In 2007-2008, she served as one of three experts for the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women’s extended study on gender budgeting in 2007. Nancy has worked with a variety of groups on issues critical to women’s economic security, including the St. John’s women’s centre (in Newfoundland and Labrador), the Canadian Women’s March Committee to End Poverty and Violence Against Women (2000), the National Association of Women and the Law (2001), and Canadian Labour Congress’ Women’s and Human Rights Department. She also served as a Canadian Parliamentary Intern in Ottawa in 1999-2000, which strengthened her resolve to bang down the doors of Parliament. Nancy remains very connected to her roots in her home province of Newfoundland and Labrador.